Website Accessibility

We want this website, and the websites we build for our clients, to be accessible to, and enjoyed by, as many people as possible. With this in mind, we have set out to make the layout of the site straightforward, consistent, and above all easy to use.

Need a larger text size?

Go to the menu bar on your browser and select ‘View’ and then ‘Text Size’. Select ‘Larger’ or ‘Largest’ and then see the web page displayed with larger text. This may vary according to your browser.

No mouse or other pointing device?

You can use the keyboard ‘tab’ key to skip forward through the links on each page. Press Shift and Tab to move backwards through the links.

Audio pages?

You could consider producing an audio version of each page on your site to help those with visual impairment or those who have trouble reading. We have experience in this area and can offer advice if you would like to try it.

Problems with this site?

If you are having difficulty using this website, or want to discuss website accessibility in general, please let us know so that we can consider changing it in the future.

Good websites don’t just have to be designed, they need to be built and delivered so that they are free from defects, perform effectively, integrate cleanly and securely with back-end systems and databases, and are easy to maintain.

Martin Jarvis

Managing Director, DMJ Computer Services Ltd

Martin Jarvis

Martin Jarvis

I typically reply within an hour

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Martin Jarvis
Hi. It's Martin here. How can I help you?
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