How do I choose the right blog post topic?

Trouble finding the right blog post topic for your audience? Stop! Don't just start writing...

Take a look at our ideas on how to generate worthy topics for your blog first

9 Sep, 2017

It’s great to have a blog post schedule that helps motivate you to get fresh content out to your audience on a regular basis. Whatever you do, though, don’t just start writing a new post without considering what fundamental topic you’re going to base your post on.

Without nailing down your topic, there will be a tendency to drift through your post, veering off in different directions, and not giving your reader a clear beginning, middle, and end. You need your reader to get to the end, as that’s usually where you’ll be asking them to take the next step.

So, that’s why you need to identify a great post topic, but how do you find the right one?

Ideas for great blog post topic

How to find your next great blog post topic

Sensible ways to choose blog post topics

  • Choose a topic you know well, or be prepared to do a lot of research. If you write about something you’re not entirely familiar with, it will come through in your writing and will make you less believable. If you open your blog to comments, you might find facts and assertions are challenged. So, be believable!
  • Choose something you’re passionate about. If the topic doesn’t excite you, it will be difficult to make it exciting for your audience.

Less obvious ways to find blog post topics

  • Don’t choose a topic that is too broad. It’ll be difficult to cover enough of it in detail, whilst keeping your reader focused. If you do have an idea for a broad topic, consider writing one big post to introduce the topic. Then write smaller, but more detailed ‘child’ posts to cover each of the sub-topics that the main one spawns. This could work wonders for the internal linking within your site, as you will be able to link between the main post and the child posts.
  • Don’t write about something that has already been done to death… unless you’re ready to really challenge what’s already out there. Give your readers something they wouldn’t already have read somewhere else. It’s hard for search engines to rank you if they’ve already indexed lots of content that says the same thing.
  • If you’re looking for search engine traffic, try coming up with a few variations of your topic title and Google them. See what gets returned, and then judge whether you can beat it. There’s no point in spending hours writing your post only to realise you won’t get near the first page of Google for your target keywords.
  • Choose a blog post topic that:
    • helps people
    • answers a question that people actually ask
    • offers a different perspective on what’s already out there
    • challenges readers to get involved
    • services a niche – don’t try to be all things to all people; much better to be bang on topic, even if it is for a small niche group

You’ve got a great blog post topic, what next?

Choosing the right blog post topic is just the first step. Building a truly great blog post takes a lot more. If you’d like to find out how much, take a look at our blog post checklist.

Got any tips of your own for choosing the perfect blog post topic? Leave us a comment below.

1 Comment

  1. Vishal

    Great tips mentioned, thank you for sharing.


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